With a goal of growing the partnership, ITAG held its quarterly Partnership Meeting on February 9 at the Pennsylvania Distilling Company, Malvern. The 40 attendees, including 13 new to ITAG, gathered to learn about ITAG’s mission, its programs and events, and ways to get involved. Following the ITAG introduction, the group enjoyed a distillery tour, refreshments and networking. Attendees gave input for future event topics and areas of interest while renewing connections and expanding their networks.

Who should join ITAG?
ITAG might be for you if:
- You are passionate about tech & IT in Southeastern PA
- You work in tech, or for a tech-based employer, and are interested in connecting with your industry peers
- You like to learn about industry trends and best practices, such as how to address common challenges like cybersecurity or workforce diversity & inclusion
- You agree a skilled, prepared workforce are key to our tech industry’s health and to the success of our regional economy

ITAG is not a membership organization, so there are no dues. ITAG is focused on helping technology companies in Southeastern Pennsylvania grow and succeed. We work together on challenges facing the tech industry, we learn about new opportunities and ways to run our businesses more efficiently, and we have some fun along the way. Interested in joining ITAG or in more information? Contact ITAG Project Director, Marianne Stack at mstack@ccedcpa.com.

“What a worthwhile night.
I’m so glad I came.”