It’s All About the Data!
That was the topic for the featured presentation at the July 11 Partnership Meeting. Leaders from Eigen X shared their knowledge of the importance of quality data and best practices to achieve it with a packed room. Our thanks to John Pernock, Bill Apostolacus, and Buyan Thyagarajan.
Attendees also heard about the many opportunities available through ITAG and helped provide input for future programs that will not only benefit them, their organizations, but the community at large. Here’s a few of the items you may have missed:
a) available training grants – Contact Marianne Stack to learn more
b) Hire One Job Fair – Oct. 15
c) Girls Exploring Tomorrow’s Technology (GETT) – Oct. 26
d) TECH360 – Nov. 14
e) possible apprenticeship programs
We wrapped up the meeting with time for networking. Thank you to Eigen X as ITAG’s host and sponsor. Not able to attend? Join us in September – details coming soon.