On October 26, a multitude of people made a difference inspiring future generations of innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs in fields typically underrepresented by women! A huge shout out to those that participated in the STEM Expo.
Event Highlights:
- A total of 718 girls from grades 4 -10 and 172 parents and educators attended the event
- 52 school districts from 8 states, including girls from 8 counties in Pennsylvania attended
- There were 189 adult volunteers and 6 High School STEM Ambassador volunteers
- 63 companies provided hands-on STEM activities led by women in STEM
careers including 23 new companies including SPARC Science, PA Department of
Agriculture – Woodmobile Bus, PA Game Commission, Delaware County Community
College Surgical Technology Program, Chester County Food Bank and Thaddeus
Stevens College of Technology.
To view GETT Expo highlights along with our generous sponsors click here.
To learn more about GETT visit https://gettpa.org/.